Looking for a north star? At wow IT we believe that is not enough. We will guide you even and – especially – when it gets is cloudy.
WOW IT is specialized in building scaleable Enterprise Search solution based on the elastic stack. We help you integrating existing applications with elastic and support you on your cloud adoption journey.
These are common use cases in which we get involved:
- Elastic Stack Introduction – Introducing Elastic as a Multi-Cloud Log, APM and Audit Hub. Help existing application teams to onboard.
- Performance Optimization – Make elasticsearch queries go faster.
Elastic as a Primary Datastore – Unlocking new business use cases.
Cloud Adoption – Using infrastructure as code and kubernetes.
Open Source Single sign-on – Identity and Access Management.
API Architecture & Enterprise Integration – Integrate applications with reusability in mind.
Meet the Founder
Oli founded the company in 2020. He realized that more and more customers are facing the same issues he encountered and solved many times in his professional career. How to make data discoverable using Enterprise Search? How to encapsulate Applications and Identity? How to cultivate reusability and implement governance of API Designs? How can organizations integrate and collaborate with each other in API Ecosystems? How to make the best use of Cloud Technologies while avoiding a vendor-lock?
With over twenty years of experience building scalable software solutions, Oli brings a significant amount of expertise to the table. As an Open Source Software Contributor and Apache PMC Member, he has proven his ability to collaborate with developers from all over the world. One of his biggest achievements is the introduction of the “Apache Fediz” sub-project in Apache CXF which is still activitly developed and extended by the community. He is a hands-on guy with a broad knowledge spectrum including the elastic stack, Java ecosystem, Enterprise & Solution Architecture, System Engineering based on Linux, Enterprise Messaging based on Apache Kafka and ActiveMQ. He is familiar with many OASIS and W3C standards.